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Expertiize - Balance druid

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Expertiize - Balance druid Empty Expertiize - Balance druid

Post by Expertize Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:12 am


  1. Your age and location: I'm a 17 year old male from Sweden c:
  2. Tell us something about yourself: Well, my names Joachim, I'm 17 and I'm from Sweden, I transfered to this realm 2 hours or so before I wrote this :PI'm going to be an electrician once I get done with school and I love WoW Surprised I usually spend all of my free time on WoW, don't have much of a "life" outside of it but who cares, I'm happy with it Razz 
  3. Armory Link for Main Char:

  4. MS/OS: MS is Balance, I tend to change OS quite often as I've played all of them quite a a bit and enjoy more aspects of the game.
  5. Link to a (preferably recent) World Of Logs parse: Never used WoL sorry.
  6. Your average latency in game: 50-60
  7. What prior raiding experience do you have? I started playing on live servers a few days before Cataclysm launch, cleared T11 normal, was scared of HC's being new to raiding and all, T12 I got a bit more serious and got 2/7 HC in FL. Cleared normal of course. I did 5/8 HC in T13 and 6/7 HC in FL that tier as well. Killed Spine and madness of Deathwing a week before MoP launch. T14 I started off badly as I moved to a new house and had no internet the first 2 months because my internet provider is slow like that apparently >.< However I got to 15/16 Normal when it was current content, never got grand empress seeing as I still didnt have a guild to raid with and was on Argent Dawn so no pugs was going :3 shortly after 5.2 and the 10% nerf I cleared MsV HC and 2 HCs in HoF. Have tried several other HC bosses including Sha of Fear. This tier I did 11/12 normal with a guild I joined on Argent Dawn that kept failing on Lei shens first transition, I went and killed him in a pug on the reset night after wiping with the guild and the raid was called. I tanked the fight 2-3 weeks before that on normal on my Prot Warrior on Draenor Horde so I've done 12/12. Tried Jin Rokh HC as well but heals failed so we ended up going normal. 
  8. What other guilds have you been a part of? Why did you leave/want to leave? Crusade on Argent Dawn's 2nd group before I transfered today, left because I wanna see fights on heroic and normal before 4 months into the tier and feel like I'm capable of that.
  9. Where did you hear about us? Why do you want to be a part of this guild? Trade chat Razz I just want to get settled on this realm and this guild seems nice Smile 
  10. Tell us about your Main Classe's main spec? How do you play it? (Feel free to be as detailed as possible): Well balance druid isnt very complicated, I go to 1 wrath before lunar eclipse, when the fight starts I Starfall>Wrath>Incarnation/Nature's Vigil>Get DoT's up>Starsurge and use that whenever its off CD or procs>Starfire>Starfall usually runs out about here so I refresh it>Starfire until 15 seconds left on incarnation and natures vigil and use Celestial Alignment>DoTs>Starfall>Spam starfire until Celestial alignment ends and then play ping pong with the eclipses whilst refreshing DoTs when needed and using Starsurge off cd/proc. My glyphs and talents are pretty basic for balance druids, Glyph of Stampeding roar for party members further away than the original range, Glyph of Stampede so I dont have to change out of boomkin form, Glyph of the moonbeast so I dont have to go out of boomkin form to heal or anything like that. My first talent is Feline Swiftness for the movement speed, its more useful than charge or displacer beast in my opinion but I change to Charge if theres a fight like Feng the Accursed with the Arcane Resonance mechanic where I have to move out of the group quickly. 2nd talent is Nature's swiftness but in 5.4 I'll probably go with the new one as NS is being made a class spell and not a talent. 3rd talent is typhoon for knockbacks/slows on adds etc. 4th talent is Incarnation for the damage increase. 5th talent is Ursol's Vortex for keeping adds in one place for Solar Beam etc, 6th talent is Nature's Vigil for the healing it gives and damage increase. Might go Heart of the Wild on healing intense fights though if needed.
  11. How about your offspec? As mentioned above I have played every druid spec there is throughout the years, mostly balance resto and feral but also a fair bit of tanking so my offspecs are decent. I dont have the gear but resto gear isnt hard as most of my balance gear has spirit so its just trinkets I need basically. 
  12. What tools and websites do you use to get the best out of your character? MMO-Champion, Youtube and another boomkin friend of mine who is raiding very high end.
  13. Our raid days are Wed, Thurs 20:00-23:00 and Sun 19:00-23:00 game time - what kind of attendance are you able to offer us? I can attend all of those days/times and have no problem staying an hour later if we're close to a kill etc during progression.
  14. Do you have working headphones and a microphone (note that this is pretty much a requirement)? Yes I do. 
  15. Are you able to accept (sometimes harsh) criticism during progress without taking it personally? As long as its constructive and has a purpose other than insulting me, yes.
  16. What is the fastest way for us to contact you? Skype or in game whispers. My skype is Expertiize and my battle tag in game is Expertize#2985 Smile

Thank you for reading through this! I hope you will consider my application and I hope to hear from you soon! Smile cheers 


Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-07-13

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Expertiize - Balance druid Empty Re: Expertiize - Balance druid

Post by Myllee Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:55 am

Hi Expertiise and thanks for applying,

Sorry it took us a while to respond, things get busy sometimes Smile
We will discuss your app and get back to you asap.

A question regarding your OS- do you think you can play any of the other druid specs in heroic progression? As in - do you have the experience and knowledge of how to play them well (regardless of the gear atm)?

Posts : 751
Join date : 2012-10-31

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Expertiize - Balance druid Empty Re: Expertiize - Balance druid

Post by Expertize Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:12 pm

Hey, I've played as tank in heroic progression on my DK before and tanked a fair share with my druid, resto was my first spec and I've played a lot of that too same with feral as I went boomkin on MoP release, I dont really like tryhard healing because I'll always feel like its my fault we wipe etc, always blame the healer right? Razz 
So I'd say I can play feral or guardian in heroic progression if I got the gear yeah, if you need me to.


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Join date : 2013-07-13

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Expertiize - Balance druid Empty Re: Expertiize - Balance druid

Post by Myllee Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:51 am

Hey again,

Can you poke me tonight around 19:30 or so?

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Join date : 2012-10-31

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Expertiize - Balance druid Empty Re: Expertiize - Balance druid

Post by Expertize Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:52 pm

Should be doable Smile


Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-07-13

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